The award-winning range of Candice Jane Limited training courses and one-to-one support sessions identify and address negative emotions and personal trauma, promoting positivity, well-being and happiness.

Our life-changing techniques enable professionals and private clients to fulfil their visions for the future and achieve their personal and business objectives.

Focusing on self-help and personal development, I facilitate changing lives for the better, helping accelerate the healing process - physical and psychological - and supporting clients on a journey of discovery and positive change. 

I received the Corporate Visions Best Holistic Healing & Business Award in 2023, and have worked with therapists, coaches and private clients across the United States, Europe and Australia

Courses are held online and in person and can be delivered in seminar or one-to-one formats. 

  • Corporate Visions Best Holistic Healing & Business Coach 2023 Award

  • Brainz Crea Global Awards Official Honouree

  • Bestselling Author and International Speaker

  • Founder of the CjMindCleanseMethod®.

  • Global Silent Counselling Ambassador (Practitioner, Trainer & Tutor).

Our Mission: Spreading Light & Helping Change Lives Worldwide

Our holistic mission is to guide individuals, including coaches and therapists, in overcoming past traumas, limiting beliefs, and self-sabotaging behaviours through our trainings and coaching programmes. We are committed to providing trainee practitioners with the tools and techniques to facilitate healing, foster personal growth, and facilitate significant change in the lives of their clients, while also supporting them in living authentically and purposefully.

We have devoted our time to developing programmes and training that are specifically designed to help individuals break free from their limitations and start living a life filled with meaning and purpose. One of my most exciting accomplishments is the creation of my own method, The CjMindCleanseMethod® which is built on the principles of rapid energy release method, Silent Counselling and including my years of training, research and life experience. 

We are incredibly enthusiastic about the impact that these techniques can have, and are thrilled to share them with the world.

Join us in this journey of positive change and let's bring more light into the lives of people everywhere.

Candice Jane leader and healing expert

So if you are trying everything and nothing’s working, it’s not because you’re not a great therapist or healer!

It’s not because you’re doing anything “wrong”. It’s not even because you’re “not cut out for business”.

Because you are! You can do whatever is needed to turn your gifts into a crystal clear vision and see the steps you need to take to create your dream business!

You have everything you need within yourself.

I want you to unleash your potential, your impact and your income. You will be re-energised and understand yourself unlike you have before.

With a combination of deeply transformational energy work, and drawing on my years of successful coaching, along with practical business support that gives you space to be aligned with your soul’s purpose … the stars are the limit.

I’m truly excited to see your dreams come true on your new journey with me.

Lots of love, Candice